WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [10] => Array
                    [000000000ec5b9f40000000026becb15validate] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WPSEO_Option_Wpseo Object
                                            [option_name] => wpseo
                                            [defaults:protected] => Array
                                                    [tracking] => 
                                                    [toggled_tracking] => 
                                                    [license_server_version] => 
                                                    [ms_defaults_set] => 
                                                    [ignore_search_engines_discouraged_notice] => 
                                                    [indexing_first_time] => 1
                                                    [indexing_started] => 
                                                    [indexing_reason] => 
                                                    [indexables_indexing_completed] => 
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                                                    [previous_version] => 
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                                                    [ryte_indexability] => 
                                                    [baiduverify] => 
                                                    [googleverify] => 
                                                    [msverify] => 
                                                    [yandexverify] => 
                                                    [site_type] => 
                                                    [has_multiple_authors] => 
                                                    [environment_type] => 
                                                    [content_analysis_active] => 1
                                                    [keyword_analysis_active] => 1
                                                    [inclusive_language_analysis_active] => 
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                                                    [enable_ai_generator] => 1
                                                    [ai_enabled_pre_default] => 
                                                    [show_onboarding_notice] => 
                                                    [first_activated_on] => 
                                                    [myyoast-oauth] => Array
                                                            [config] => Array
                                                                    [clientId] => 
                                                                    [secret] => 

                                                            [access_tokens] => Array


                                                    [semrush_integration_active] => 1
                                                    [semrush_tokens] => Array

                                                    [semrush_country_code] => us
                                                    [permalink_structure] => 
                                                    [home_url] => 
                                                    [dynamic_permalinks] => 
                                                    [category_base_url] => 
                                                    [tag_base_url] => 
                                                    [custom_taxonomy_slugs] => Array

                                                    [enable_enhanced_slack_sharing] => 1
                                                    [enable_metabox_insights] => 1
                                                    [enable_link_suggestions] => 1
                                                    [algolia_integration_active] => 
                                                    [import_cursors] => Array

                                                    [workouts_data] => Array
                                                            [configuration] => Array
                                                                    [finishedSteps] => Array



                                                    [configuration_finished_steps] => Array

                                                    [dismiss_configuration_workout_notice] => 
                                                    [dismiss_premium_deactivated_notice] => 
                                                    [importing_completed] => Array

                                                    [wincher_integration_active] => 1
                                                    [wincher_tokens] => Array

                                                    [wincher_automatically_add_keyphrases] => 
                                                    [wincher_website_id] => 
                                                    [first_time_install] => 
                                                    [should_redirect_after_install_free] => 
                                                    [activation_redirect_timestamp_free] => 0
                                                    [remove_feed_global] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_global_comments] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_post_comments] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_authors] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_categories] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_tags] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_custom_taxonomies] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_post_types] => 
                                                    [remove_feed_search] => 
                                                    [remove_atom_rdf_feeds] => 
                                                    [remove_shortlinks] => 
                                                    [remove_rest_api_links] => 
                                                    [remove_rsd_wlw_links] => 
                                                    [remove_oembed_links] => 
                                                    [remove_generator] => 
                                                    [remove_emoji_scripts] => 
                                                    [remove_powered_by_header] => 
                                                    [remove_pingback_header] => 
                                                    [clean_campaign_tracking_urls] => 
                                                    [clean_permalinks] => 
                                                    [clean_permalinks_extra_variables] => 
                                                    [search_cleanup] => 
                                                    [search_cleanup_emoji] => 
                                                    [search_cleanup_patterns] => 
                                                    [search_character_limit] => 50
                                                    [deny_search_crawling] => 
                                                    [deny_wp_json_crawling] => 
                                                    [deny_adsbot_crawling] => 
                                                    [deny_ccbot_crawling] => 
                                                    [deny_google_extended_crawling] => 
                                                    [deny_gptbot_crawling] => 
                                                    [redirect_search_pretty_urls] => 
                                                    [least_readability_ignore_list] => Array

                                                    [least_seo_score_ignore_list] => Array

                                                    [most_linked_ignore_list] => Array

                                                    [least_linked_ignore_list] => Array

                                                    [indexables_page_reading_list] => Array
                                                            [0] => 
                                                            [1] => 
                                                            [2] => 
                                                            [3] => 
                                                            [4] => 

                                                    [indexables_overview_state] => dashboard-not-visited
                                                    [last_known_public_post_types] => Array

                                                    [last_known_public_taxonomies] => Array

                                                    [last_known_no_unindexed] => Array

                                                    [new_post_types] => Array

                                                    [new_taxonomies] => Array

                                                    [show_new_content_type_notification] => 

                                            [ms_exclude] => Array
                                                    [0] => ignore_search_engines_discouraged_notice
                                                    [1] => baiduverify
                                                    [2] => googleverify
                                                    [3] => msverify
                                                    [4] => yandexverify

                                            [site_types:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => 
                                                    [1] => blog
                                                    [2] => shop
                                                    [3] => news
                                                    [4] => smallBusiness
                                                    [5] => corporateOther
                                                    [6] => personalOther

                                            [environment_types:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => 
                                                    [1] => local
                                                    [2] => production
                                                    [3] => staging
                                                    [4] => development

                                            [has_multiple_authors_options:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => 
                                                    [1] => 1
                                                    [2] => 

                                            [override_option_name:protected] => wpseo_ms
                                            [group_name] => yoast_wpseo_options
                                            [include_in_all] => 1
                                            [multisite_only] => 
                                            [variable_array_key_patterns:protected] => 

                                    [1] => validate

                            [accepted_args] => 1



    [priorities:protected] => Array
            [0] => 10

    [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 0
    [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 
Insights & News2023-01-19T14:50:13-06:00

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