WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [10] => Array
                    [000000004beec9fe000000000e8e20dffilter_tec_widget_title] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => AWB_Widget_Style Object
                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                    [fusion_display_title] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_display_title
                                                            [title] => Display Widget Title
                                                            [description] => Choose to enable or disable the widget title. Specifically useful for WP's default widget titles.
                                                            [default] => yes
                                                            [choices] => Array
                                                                    [yes] => Yes
                                                                    [no] => No

                                                            [type] => radio_button_set

                                                    [fusion_padding_color] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_padding_color
                                                            [title] => Padding
                                                            [description] => Controls the padding for this widget container. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.
                                                            [css_property] => padding
                                                            [type] => text

                                                    [fusion_margin] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_margin
                                                            [title] => Margin
                                                            [description] => Controls the margin for this widget container. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.
                                                            [css_property] => margin
                                                            [type] => text

                                                    [fusion_bg_color] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_bg_color
                                                            [title] => Background Color
                                                            [description] => Controls the background color for this widget container.
                                                            [css_property] => background-color
                                                            [type] => colorpickeralpha

                                                    [fusion_bg_radius_size] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_bg_radius_size
                                                            [title] => Background Border Radius
                                                            [description] => Controls the background border radius for this widget container.
                                                            [css_property] => border-radius
                                                            [type] => text

                                                    [fusion_border_size] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_border_size
                                                            [title] => Border Size
                                                            [description] => Controls the border size for this widget container.
                                                            [css_property] => border-width
                                                            [type] => range
                                                            [min] => 0
                                                            [max] => 50
                                                            [step] => 1
                                                            [value] => 0

                                                    [fusion_border_style] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_border_style
                                                            [title] => Border Style
                                                            [description] => Controls the border style for this widget container.
                                                            [css_property] => border-style
                                                            [type] => select
                                                            [default] => solid
                                                            [dependency] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [element] => fusion_border_size
                                                                            [value] => 0
                                                                            [operator] => !=


                                                            [choices] => Array
                                                                    [solid] => Solid
                                                                    [dotted] => Dotted
                                                                    [dashed] => Dashed


                                                    [fusion_border_color] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_border_color
                                                            [title] => Border Color
                                                            [description] => Controls the border color for this widget container.
                                                            [css_property] => border-color
                                                            [type] => colorpickeralpha
                                                            [dependency] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [element] => fusion_border_size
                                                                            [value] => 0
                                                                            [operator] => !=



                                                    [fusion_divider_color] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_divider_color
                                                            [title] => Divider Color
                                                            [description] => Controls the color of dividers in this widget container. Leave empty for the Global Options default value or no dividers when using the vertical menu widget.
                                                            [css_property] => border-color
                                                            [type] => colorpickeralpha

                                                    [fusion_align] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_align
                                                            [title] => Content Align
                                                            [description] => Controls content alignment for this widget container. Inherit means it will inherit alignment from its parent element.
                                                            [css_property] => text-align
                                                            [type] => select
                                                            [choices] => Array
                                                                    [] => Inherit
                                                                    [left] => Left
                                                                    [right] => Right
                                                                    [center] => Center


                                                    [fusion_align_mobile] => Array
                                                            [key] => fusion_align_mobile
                                                            [title] => Mobile Content Align
                                                            [description] => Controls mobile content alignment for this widget container. Inherit means it will inherit alignment from its parent element.
                                                            [css_property] => text-align
                                                            [type] => select
                                                            [choices] => Array
                                                                    [] => Inherit
                                                                    [left] => Left
                                                                    [right] => Right
                                                                    [center] => Center




                                    [1] => filter_tec_widget_title

                            [accepted_args] => 1



    [priorities:protected] => Array
            [0] => 10

    [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 0
    [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 
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At BSB, our success has been built by our talented workforce that values integrity, dependability, service, and mutual respect. We are looking for employees who share our values and [...]

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