WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [_wp_block_theme_register_classic_sidebars] => Array
                            [function] => _wp_block_theme_register_classic_sidebars
                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [10] => Array
                    [akismet_register_widgets] => Array
                            [function] => akismet_register_widgets
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [000000000c82816400000000299a78ebregister_widget_area] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => AWB_Widget_Framework Object
                                            [sidebar_body_classes:AWB_Widget_Framework:private] => Array

                                            [sidebars] => Array


                                    [1] => register_widget_area

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [000000000c82816400000000299a78ebinit_widgets] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => AWB_Widget_Framework Object
                                            [sidebar_body_classes:AWB_Widget_Framework:private] => Array

                                            [sidebars] => Array


                                    [1] => init_widgets

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [000000000c8282b000000000299a78ebremove_standard_wp_meta_widget] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => AIOWPSecurity_General_Init_Tasks Object

                                    [1] => remove_standard_wp_meta_widget

                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [20] => Array
                    [000000000c82840d00000000299a78ebarbitrary_sidebar] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Widget_Shortcode Object

                                    [1] => arbitrary_sidebar

                            [accepted_args] => 1


            [100] => Array
                    [000000000c82815200000000299a78eb_register_widgets] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WP_Widget_Factory Object
                                            [widgets] => Array
                                                    [WP_Widget_Pages] => WP_Widget_Pages Object
                                                            [id_base] => pages
                                                            [name] => Pages
                                                            [option_name] => widget_pages
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_pages
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A list of your site’s Pages.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => pages

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => pages-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Calendar] => WP_Widget_Calendar Object
                                                            [id_base] => calendar
                                                            [name] => Calendar
                                                            [option_name] => widget_calendar
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_calendar
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A calendar of your site’s posts.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => calendar

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => calendar-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Archives] => WP_Widget_Archives Object
                                                            [id_base] => archives
                                                            [name] => Archives
                                                            [option_name] => widget_archives
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_archive
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => archives

                                                            [number] => 3
                                                            [id] => archives-3
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Media_Audio] => WP_Widget_Media_Audio Object
                                                            [l10n] => Array
                                                                    [no_media_selected] => No audio selected
                                                                    [add_media] => Add Audio
                                                                    [replace_media] => Replace Audio
                                                                    [edit_media] => Edit Audio
                                                                    [add_to_widget] => Add to Widget
                                                                    [missing_attachment] => That audio file cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.
                                                                    [media_library_state_multi] => Array
                                                                            [0] => Audio Widget (%d)
                                                                            [1] => Audio Widget (%d)
                                                                            [singular] => Audio Widget (%d)
                                                                            [plural] => Audio Widget (%d)
                                                                            [context] => 
                                                                            [domain] => 

                                                                    [media_library_state_single] => Audio Widget
                                                                    [unsupported_file_type] => Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an audio file instead.

                                                            [registered:protected] => 1
                                                            [id_base] => media_audio
                                                            [name] => Audio
                                                            [option_name] => widget_media_audio
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_media_audio
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Displays an audio player.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1
                                                                    [mime_type] => audio

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => media_audio

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => media_audio-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Media_Image] => WP_Widget_Media_Image Object
                                                            [l10n] => Array
                                                                    [no_media_selected] => No image selected
                                                                    [add_media] => Add Image
                                                                    [replace_media] => Replace Image
                                                                    [edit_media] => Edit Image
                                                                    [add_to_widget] => Add to Widget
                                                                    [missing_attachment] => That image cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.
                                                                    [media_library_state_multi] => Array
                                                                            [0] => Image Widget (%d)
                                                                            [1] => Image Widget (%d)
                                                                            [singular] => Image Widget (%d)
                                                                            [plural] => Image Widget (%d)
                                                                            [context] => 
                                                                            [domain] => 

                                                                    [media_library_state_single] => Image Widget
                                                                    [unsupported_file_type] => Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an appropriate file instead.

                                                            [registered:protected] => 1
                                                            [id_base] => media_image
                                                            [name] => Image
                                                            [option_name] => widget_media_image
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_media_image
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Displays an image.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1
                                                                    [mime_type] => image

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => media_image

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => media_image-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Media_Gallery] => WP_Widget_Media_Gallery Object
                                                            [l10n] => Array
                                                                    [no_media_selected] => No images selected
                                                                    [add_media] => Add Images
                                                                    [replace_media] => 
                                                                    [edit_media] => Edit Gallery
                                                                    [add_to_widget] => Add to Widget
                                                                    [missing_attachment] => That file cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.
                                                                    [media_library_state_multi] => Array
                                                                            [0] => Media Widget (%d)
                                                                            [1] => Media Widget (%d)
                                                                            [singular] => Media Widget (%d)
                                                                            [plural] => Media Widget (%d)
                                                                            [context] => 
                                                                            [domain] => 

                                                                    [media_library_state_single] => Media Widget
                                                                    [unsupported_file_type] => Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an appropriate file instead.

                                                            [registered:protected] => 1
                                                            [id_base] => media_gallery
                                                            [name] => Gallery
                                                            [option_name] => widget_media_gallery
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_media_gallery
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Displays an image gallery.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1
                                                                    [mime_type] => image

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => media_gallery

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => media_gallery-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Media_Video] => WP_Widget_Media_Video Object
                                                            [l10n] => Array
                                                                    [no_media_selected] => No video selected
                                                                    [add_media] => Add Video
                                                                    [replace_media] => Replace Video
                                                                    [edit_media] => Edit Video
                                                                    [add_to_widget] => Add to Widget
                                                                    [missing_attachment] => That video cannot be found. Check your media library and make sure it was not deleted.
                                                                    [media_library_state_multi] => Array
                                                                            [0] => Video Widget (%d)
                                                                            [1] => Video Widget (%d)
                                                                            [singular] => Video Widget (%d)
                                                                            [plural] => Video Widget (%d)
                                                                            [context] => 
                                                                            [domain] => 

                                                                    [media_library_state_single] => Video Widget
                                                                    [unsupported_file_type] => Sorry, the video at the supplied URL cannot be loaded. Please check that the URL is for a supported video file (.mp4, .m4v, .webm, .ogv, .flv) or stream (e.g. YouTube and Vimeo).

                                                            [registered:protected] => 1
                                                            [id_base] => media_video
                                                            [name] => Video
                                                            [option_name] => widget_media_video
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_media_video
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1
                                                                    [mime_type] => video

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => media_video

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => media_video-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Search] => WP_Widget_Search Object
                                                            [id_base] => search
                                                            [name] => Search
                                                            [option_name] => widget_search
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_search
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A search form for your site.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => search

                                                            [number] => 4
                                                            [id] => search-4
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Text] => WP_Widget_Text Object
                                                            [registered:protected] => 1
                                                            [id_base] => text
                                                            [name] => Text
                                                            [option_name] => widget_text
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_text
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Arbitrary text.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => text
                                                                    [width] => 400
                                                                    [height] => 350

                                                            [number] => 6
                                                            [id] => text-6
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Categories] => WP_Widget_Categories Object
                                                            [id_base] => categories
                                                            [name] => Categories
                                                            [option_name] => widget_categories
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_categories
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A list or dropdown of categories.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => categories

                                                            [number] => 3
                                                            [id] => categories-3
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Recent_Posts] => WP_Widget_Recent_Posts Object
                                                            [id_base] => recent-posts
                                                            [name] => Recent Posts
                                                            [option_name] => widget_recent-posts
                                                            [alt_option_name] => widget_recent_entries
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_recent_entries
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Your site’s most recent Posts.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => recent-posts

                                                            [number] => 5
                                                            [id] => recent-posts-5
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Recent_Comments] => WP_Widget_Recent_Comments Object
                                                            [id_base] => recent-comments
                                                            [name] => Recent Comments
                                                            [option_name] => widget_recent-comments
                                                            [alt_option_name] => widget_recent_comments
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_recent_comments
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Your site’s most recent comments.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => recent-comments

                                                            [number] => 3
                                                            [id] => recent-comments-3
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_RSS] => WP_Widget_RSS Object
                                                            [id_base] => rss
                                                            [name] => RSS
                                                            [option_name] => widget_rss
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_rss
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Entries from any RSS or Atom feed.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => rss
                                                                    [width] => 400
                                                                    [height] => 200

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => rss-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud] => WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud Object
                                                            [id_base] => tag_cloud
                                                            [name] => Tag Cloud
                                                            [option_name] => widget_tag_cloud
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_tag_cloud
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A cloud of your most used tags.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => tag_cloud

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => tag_cloud-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Nav_Menu_Widget] => WP_Nav_Menu_Widget Object
                                                            [id_base] => nav_menu
                                                            [name] => Navigation Menu
                                                            [option_name] => widget_nav_menu
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_nav_menu
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Add a navigation menu to your sidebar.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => nav_menu

                                                            [number] => 3
                                                            [id] => nav_menu-3
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Custom_HTML] => WP_Widget_Custom_HTML Object
                                                            [registered:protected] => 1
                                                            [default_instance:protected] => Array
                                                                    [title] => 
                                                                    [content] => 

                                                            [id_base] => custom_html
                                                            [name] => Custom HTML
                                                            [option_name] => widget_custom_html
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_custom_html
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => Arbitrary HTML code.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => custom_html
                                                                    [width] => 400
                                                                    [height] => 350

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => custom_html-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [WP_Widget_Block] => WP_Widget_Block Object
                                                            [default_instance:protected] => Array
                                                                    [content] => 

                                                            [id_base] => block
                                                            [name] => Block
                                                            [option_name] => widget_block
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_block
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 1
                                                                    [description] => A widget containing a block.
                                                                    [show_instance_in_rest] => 1

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => block
                                                                    [width] => 400
                                                                    [height] => 350

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => block-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Akismet_Widget] => Akismet_Widget Object
                                                            [id_base] => akismet_widget
                                                            [name] => Akismet Widget
                                                            [option_name] => widget_akismet_widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => widget_akismet_widget
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Display the number of spam comments Akismet has caught

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => akismet_widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => akismet_widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Ad_125_125] => Fusion_Widget_Ad_125_125 Object
                                                            [id_base] => ad_125_125-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: 125x125 Ads
                                                            [option_name] => widget_ad_125_125-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => fusion-ad-125-125 ad_125_125
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Add 125x125 ads.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => ad_125_125-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => ad_125_125-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Author] => Fusion_Widget_Author Object
                                                            [settings:protected] => Array
                                                                    [social_links_color_type] => custom
                                                                    [social_links_icon_color] => #bebdbd
                                                                    [social_links_box_color] => #e8e8e8
                                                                    [social_links_boxed] => 0
                                                                    [social_links_boxed_radius] => 4px
                                                                    [social_links_tooltip_placement] => Top
                                                                    [social_icons_new] => 1
                                                                    [date_format] => F jS, Y

                                                            [id_base] => fusion_author-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Author
                                                            [option_name] => widget_fusion_author-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => fusion-author-widget
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Display author details.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => fusion_author-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => fusion_author-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Contact_Info] => Fusion_Widget_Contact_Info Object
                                                            [id_base] => contact_info-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Contact Info
                                                            [option_name] => widget_contact_info-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => contact_info
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Adds custom contact information.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => contact_info-widget

                                                            [number] => 2
                                                            [id] => contact_info-widget-2
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Tabs] => Fusion_Widget_Tabs Object
                                                            [settings:protected] => Array
                                                                    [alternate_date_format_day] => j
                                                                    [alternate_date_format_month_year] => m, Y
                                                                    [date_format] => F jS, Y

                                                            [id_base] => pyre_tabs-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Tabs
                                                            [option_name] => widget_pyre_tabs-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => fusion-tabs-widget
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Popular posts, recent post and comments.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => pyre_tabs-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => pyre_tabs-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Recent_Works] => Fusion_Widget_Recent_Works Object
                                                            [id_base] => recent_works-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Recent Works
                                                            [option_name] => widget_recent_works-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => recent_works
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Recent works from the portfolio.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => recent_works-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => recent_works-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Tweets] => Fusion_Widget_Tweets Object
                                                            [settings:protected] => Array
                                                                    [link_color] => #212934
                                                                    [timeline_color] => #efefef

                                                            [id_base] => tweets-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: X
                                                            [option_name] => widget_tweets-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => tweets
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Adds your X timeline

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => tweets-widget

                                                            [number] => 2
                                                            [id] => tweets-widget-2
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Flickr] => Fusion_Widget_Flickr Object
                                                            [id_base] => flickr-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Flickr
                                                            [option_name] => widget_flickr-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => flickr
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => The most recent photos from flickr.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => flickr-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => flickr-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Social_Links] => Fusion_Widget_Social_Links Object
                                                            [settings:protected] => Array
                                                                    [social_media_icons] => Array
                                                                            [fusionredux_repeater_data] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                                            [title] => 

                                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                                            [title] => 

                                                                                    [2] => Array
                                                                                            [title] => 

                                                                                    [3] => Array
                                                                                            [title] => 

                                                                                    [4] => Array
                                                                                            [title] => 


                                                                            [icon] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => facebook
                                                                                    [1] => twitter
                                                                                    [2] => instagram
                                                                                    [3] => 
                                                                                    [4] => linkedin

                                                                            [icon_mark] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => 
                                                                                    [1] => 
                                                                                    [2] => 
                                                                                    [3] => 
                                                                                    [4] => 

                                                                            [url] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => https://www.facebook.com/BSBKSAuthentic/
                                                                                    [1] => https://twitter.com/BSBks
                                                                                    [2] => https://www.instagram.com/benningtonstatebank/
                                                                                    [3] => 
                                                                                    [4] => https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-bennington-state-bank

                                                                            [custom_title] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => 
                                                                                    [1] => 
                                                                                    [2] => 
                                                                                    [3] => 
                                                                                    [4] => 

                                                                            [custom_source] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                                            [url] => 
                                                                                            [id] => 
                                                                                            [height] => 
                                                                                            [width] => 
                                                                                            [thumbnail] => 

                                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                                            [url] => 
                                                                                            [id] => 
                                                                                            [height] => 
                                                                                            [width] => 
                                                                                            [thumbnail] => 

                                                                                    [2] => Array
                                                                                            [url] => 
                                                                                            [id] => 
                                                                                            [height] => 
                                                                                            [width] => 
                                                                                            [thumbnail] => 

                                                                                    [3] => Array
                                                                                            [url] => 
                                                                                            [id] => 
                                                                                            [height] => 
                                                                                            [width] => 
                                                                                            [thumbnail] => 

                                                                                    [4] => Array
                                                                                            [url] => 
                                                                                            [id] => 
                                                                                            [height] => 
                                                                                            [width] => 
                                                                                            [thumbnail] => 



                                                                    [nofollow_social_links] => 0

                                                            [id_base] => social_links-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Social Links
                                                            [option_name] => widget_social_links-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => social_links
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Adds social media icons with custom links.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => social_links-widget

                                                            [number] => 2
                                                            [id] => social_links-widget-2
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Facebook_Page] => Fusion_Widget_Facebook_Page Object
                                                            [id_base] => facebook-like-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Facebook Page Plugin
                                                            [option_name] => widget_facebook-like-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => facebook_like
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Adds support for Facebook Page Plugin.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => facebook-like-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => facebook-like-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Menu] => Fusion_Widget_Menu Object
                                                            [id_base] => menu-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Horizontal Menu
                                                            [option_name] => widget_menu-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => menu
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Adds a horizontal navigation

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => menu-widget

                                                            [number] => 2
                                                            [id] => menu-widget-2
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Vertical_Menu] => Fusion_Widget_Vertical_Menu Object
                                                            [id_base] => avada-vertical-menu-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Vertical Menu
                                                            [option_name] => widget_avada-vertical-menu-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => avada_vertical_menu
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => This widget replaces the Side Navigation Template.

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => avada-vertical-menu-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => avada-vertical-menu-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 

                                                    [Fusion_Widget_Form] => Fusion_Widget_Form Object
                                                            [id_base] => form-widget
                                                            [name] => Avada: Form
                                                            [option_name] => widget_form-widget
                                                            [alt_option_name] => 
                                                            [widget_options] => Array
                                                                    [classname] => form
                                                                    [customize_selective_refresh] => 
                                                                    [description] => Adds a horizontal navigation

                                                            [control_options] => Array
                                                                    [id_base] => form-widget

                                                            [number] => 1
                                                            [id] => form-widget-1
                                                            [updated] => 



                                    [1] => _register_widgets

                            [accepted_args] => 1



    [priorities:protected] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 10
            [2] => 20
            [3] => 100

    [iterations:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [current_priority:WP_Hook:private] => Array

    [nesting_level:WP_Hook:private] => 0
    [doing_action:WP_Hook:private] => 


About Guthrie Burch

This author has not yet filled in any details.
So far Guthrie Burch has created 10 blog entries.

Beware of Black Friday Fraud


Beware of Black Friday Scams November 27, 2024 A Guide to Staying Safe During Holiday Shopping Black Friday stands out as a day of extraordinary deals and discounts, and while shoppers eagerly hunt for bargains, fraudsters are at work just as hard. During the Holiday season, fraudulent texts, emails, and ads targeting [...]

Beware of Black Friday Fraud2024-11-27T13:44:03-06:00

Bennington State Bank and Alliance Bank Join


We Are Officially One Bank! Partnering with Alliance Bank will allow us to deepen our roots in the Topeka area, offering enhanced services to both new and existing customers. Alliance Bank 2620 SW 6th Ave., Suite A Topeka, Kansas 66606 Alliance Bank 3001 SW Wanamaker [...]

Bennington State Bank and Alliance Bank Join2024-11-19T14:51:36-06:00

Recognize and Protect Yourself from Text Scams


Beware of Malicious Text Scams September 13, 2024 A Guide to Staying Safe from Fraudulent Texts We have recently become aware of an increase in fraudulent texts targeting customers. These deceptive messages can be sophisticated and convincing, but we want to assure you that Bennington State Bank will never send texts to [...]

Recognize and Protect Yourself from Text Scams2024-09-13T16:30:39-05:00

Berkley Family Receives Century of Family Banking Award


Berkley Family Receives Century of Family Banking Award KBA Century of Family Banking Award I think my parents taught us all a work ethic and a very strong belief that everybody was kind of equal in life and there's no favorites Berkley Family receives award [...]

Berkley Family Receives Century of Family Banking Award2024-08-30T09:47:57-05:00

Berkley Century of Family Banking Award


Celebrating a Century of Family Banking Excellence August 12, 2024 We are incredibly proud to announce that the Berkley family, whose leadership is the foundation of the Bennington State Bank, has been honored with the Kansas Banker Association's Century of Family Banking Award. This award is given to banks where members of the [...]

Berkley Century of Family Banking Award2024-08-30T09:49:58-05:00

Bennington State Bank Acquires Alliance Bank


Bennington State Bank Acquires Alliance Bank in Topeka Alliance Bank 3001 SW Wanamaker Rd. Topeka, KS 66614 Partnering with Alliance Bank will allow us to deepen our roots in the Topeka area, offering enhanced services to both new and existing customers. Our shared commitment to personalized service and [...]

Bennington State Bank Acquires Alliance Bank2024-08-09T14:59:00-05:00

Announcing the Retirement of Chuck Heaton


Announcing the Retirement of Chuck Heaton July 23, 2024 Bennington, Kan— The Bennington State Bank (BSB), a leading independent community bank in Central Kansas, is pleased to announce the retirement of Chuck Heaton, Executive Vice President, Loan Officer. Chuck joined BSB in Jan, [...]

Announcing the Retirement of Chuck Heaton2024-07-16T11:37:52-05:00

Fraud Prevention


Beware of Phone Call ScamsJuly 16, 2024At Bennington State Bank, your financial security is our top priority.We have recently become aware of an increase in fraudulent calls and texts targeting customers. These deceptive messages can be sophisticated and convincing, but we want to assure you that Bennington State Bank will never ask for [...]

Fraud Prevention2024-07-16T12:04:06-05:00

Bennington State Bank Promotions 2024


Bennington State Bank Announces 2024 Promotions February 22, 2024 Salina, Kansas- Bennington State Bank (BSB) is proud to announce the promotions of five outstanding individuals. Debbie Adams, who joined BSB in 2009, was promoted to Senior Vice President, Treasury Management Officer. Adams is responsible for [...]

Bennington State Bank Promotions 20242024-02-27T14:09:38-06:00

Bennington State Bank Expands Salina Footprint in Downtown Salina


The Bennington State Bank Expands Salina Footprint by Opening LPO/DPO in Salina Downtown July 13, 2023 Salina, Kansas- The Bennington State Bank (BSB), a locally owned and operated community bank, added significantly to its Salina presence beginning July 3 as they opened a new loan production office (LPO) and deposit [...]

Bennington State Bank Expands Salina Footprint in Downtown Salina2023-07-13T17:01:17-05:00
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